The iPhone revolutionized the smartphone industry when it was first released in 2007, with more recent models (like the iPhone 7) continuing to lead the pack thanks to high-quality cameras, large storage space, and powerful processors. What you may not know, however, is that there are some hidden iPhone features that are incredibly useful but not always obvious to first-time users. Here are 9 insanely cool iPhone features that you may not know about!
Do Not Disturb While Driving
The next time you’re in your car, go to your iPhone’s Control Center and tap on Do Not Disturb While Driving. When enabled, not only will it block any incoming calls or texts, but it will also auto-reply to all your contacts with a custom message that says you are driving and cannot respond until later. If you have an Android phone, try Google’s DND mode. ivermectin It does pretty much everything Apple's DND mode does—though it relies on automatic location detection rather than geofencing. And if your Android smartphone isn't rocking Google Assistant yet, read about other ways to ensure that Do Not Disturb mode is activated when you're driving (and thus can't respond).
App Shortcuts
On your iPhone, you can assign a special shortcut to an app. So let's say you frequently make FaceTime calls with your sister. You could assign a shortcut on one of your home screens to direct dial her number, or you could assign Siri voice recognition shortcuts for different contacts—basically, allowing you to ask Siri to call someone by saying their name instead of having to input their phone number. hydroxychloroquine for sale The possibilities are endless! In Settings > General > Accessibility > Home Button, scroll down and turn on Assistive Touch. Then go into Settings > General > Accessibility again and click Assistive Touch at the top left of your screen.
Airplane Mode
Does your phone go nuts when you board a plane, constantly trying to connect to a network that isn’t there? Just turn on Airplane Mode and it will stop. ziverdo kit Even better, make it a habit of turning Airplane Mode on every time you get into an elevator or stairwell — those things can mess with your reception! This alone can save you from countless headaches, battery drains and missed calls.
The Emergency SOS Feature
In case of emergency, you can use Emergency SOS to quickly call local emergency services and medical responders. Just hold down either volume button on your phone (not both) and either side button simultaneously for five seconds. azithromycin The phone will automatically call emergency services in your area, as well as turn on an Apple Watch’s SOS alert, if you have one connected to your iPhone. If you hold down both volume buttons at once, it will also trigger a countdown sequence that sounds an alarm and instructs anyone around you how to help. This feature works even if your phone is locked; simply tap Emergency when prompted for access to make an immediate call in case of danger.
Siri Can Save Lives
It’s easy to forget about Siri, but Apple’s virtual assistant is an excellent safety feature. This is especially important for a phone like Apple’s that features access to apps like Find My Friends and Maps. If you ever feel unsafe and don’t have your phone in hand, use Siri and call 911 or one of your other emergency contacts; if you don’t have access to voice controls (because your hands are occupied), you can dial 911 from within a locked app as well. It may not be obvious at first glance, but there are some potentially life-saving things your iPhone can do—that you likely aren't aware of. Take full advantage by learning how they work and keeping them in mind just in case you ever need them.
Spotlight Search Saved My Life
Spotlight search is a fantastic feature that lets you search your Mac quickly and easily, but it can also do a lot more. This hidden secret search feature can even save your life! Or at least make it easier to get help if you’re stuck somewhere or have an emergency. Here are some tips to keep in mind when using Spotlight on your Mac...
Vibration Mode Is Your Friend
You probably know that you can set your phone to vibrate, but did you know you can also set it to vibrate when it’s in a specific orientation? This little-known feature helps prevent pocket dialing, and is useful if you want to feel your phone buzz when it’s in a particular place—like on your desk at work or at home. Just go into Settings > Sounds and then select Vibration Patterns. From there, press Create New Vibration. Now just tap through each corner of your screen—top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right—and adjust each slider to be louder or softer as needed.
Siri Makes Calls for You on iOS 11
If you have an iPhone 6s or later, Siri can now make phone calls on your behalf. This is a great feature for people who aren’t comfortable with voice-activated technology and for those who don’t have full use of their hands—as long as you know what to say. Just ask Siri to call someone by name or by phone number, and she’ll take care of it from there. As of writing, however, you won’t be able to request multiple numbers from Siri; at least not yet.
Apple Airdrop Feature Works Like magic!
I’m sure you’ve heard of Airdrop. If not, here is how it works: Say you want to send a photo from your phone to someone else who has an iPhone (and hasn’t disabled Airdrop). First, go to the Photos app on your phone. Find a photo and press it until a pop-up menu appears with options for editing, copying or sharing. Choose Share Via. Select Airdrop. Now look around your screen for an icon that looks like two iPhones — that is another person using Airdrop nearby. Select his or her icon and voila! The photo should soon appear on their screen... just like magic!
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